1、构建失独老人社会支持网络的对策研究—基于社会工作视角摘要随着人口老龄化社会的到来,老年人养老问题成为一个社会普遍关注的问题,而失独老人作为老年人群体中的特殊人群,其在物质生活和精神生活方面面临着更多的养老问题。因而本文从社会工作视角出发,分析了失独老人生活面临困境的原因,提出了构建失独老人社会支持体系的建议,帮助失独老人摆脱现有困境,消除不良情绪,重建自我,重拾生活信心。关键词:失独老人;社会支持网络;社会工作AbstractWith the arrival of an aging popula
2、tion, the problem of old-age pension has become a common concern of the society, and the unaccompanied elderly people as a special group of the elderly population, its material life and spiritual life is facing more pension problems. In this paper, f
3、rom the perspective of social work, this paper analyzes the causes of the difficulties faced by the unaccompanied elderly people, puts forward the suggestions to construct the social support system for the unaccompanied elderly people, help the unlaw
4、ful people get rid of the existing difficulties, eliminate the negative emotions, rebuild themselves, confidence.Keywords:Lossofaloneoldman;Socialsupportnetwork;Socialwork目录TOCo"1-3"hzu摘要IAbstractII目录III一、相关概念与理论阐释1(一)失独老人1(二)社会支持理论1(三)社会系统理论2二、失