1、使用前删除此我爱浪漫樱花文档主页:http://www.docin.com/mtl168168,分享文档快乐生活快乐无阻浅谈关键词: 多巴胺;视网膜;神经递质;多巴胺受体 摘要 多巴胺(da)是中枢神经递质之一。多巴胺受体根据其对腺苷酸环化酶活力的不同影响及具有专一性配体分为d1样和d2样两型。da在视网膜信息传递、光刺激的反应以及视网膜缺血性损伤等病变中起着重要的作用。叙述了da神经元在视网膜的分布、da受体的定位、da在视网膜的生理功能以及该领域研究的新进展。 study of the relationship between dopamine and retinal funct
2、ion abstract dopamine(da)is one of neurotransmitters of the central nervous system.dopamine receptors are classified into d1 and d2 types based upon their effects on adenylate cyclase activity and their specific ligands.da plays important functional roles in signal 14使用前删除此我爱浪漫樱花文档主页:http://www.
3、docin.com/mtl168168,分享文档快乐生活快乐无阻transduction,reaction to light stimuli, and pathogenesis of retinal ischemia.this paper reviews the distribution of da neurons in retina,the localization of da receptors,the physiologic roles of da in the retina and new progress in this study field. key words dopa