2、有的是为教材重点服务。通过对此画的描述、问答和教师言简意赅、提纲挈领的导语,逐步引入本课的话题,让学生适度了解话题的内容,易激发学生内在的学习动力,使课堂气氛活跃;利用文中的插图导入新课,能激活学生的认知图式,并使其产生阅读课文以了解信息的愿望,为以下教学铺平了道路。如高中一册(上)第五单元的图片,可作如下导入: T: Just have a look at the picture. What can you see? Ss: Two women, some young trees, and many big trees on the hi
3、lls… T: Can you guess what nationality the women are? Ss: Indian. (We can judge from their clothes.) T: What are they doing? Ss: They are planting trees. T: What’s the use of the trees? (Have a discussion) Ss: To make furniture, paper and so on. To keep the soil;
4、 To keep off the noise & strong wind; To keep the balance of the nature etc. T: Ok. Today we’re going to read a true story that happened in Tangsa Village in north India. In the past people there cut down the trees and there were almost no trees left. Later a forest programm
5、e was carried out by teams of women in this village. And the village has taken on a new look. Let’s go and visit the village now. 2. 充分利用各种教学媒体进行导入 随着经济的发展和科学的进步,各种教学设施日趋完善,电脑、电视机、投影仪、VCD、录像机、录音机等相继进入课堂,我们应充分利用这些设备进行教学导入。 (1).直观导入法。直观导入法是指通过具体的实物、图片、简笔画、照片、幻灯片、录音、录像、VCD等