2、村家庭养老的功能仍然发挥着重要作用,但是在海南农村老人对家庭养老比较满意的情况下,笔者也发现一些问题和不足之处。通过分析家庭养老问题产生的原因,结合海南农村实际情况,笔者尝试着提出解决海南农村家庭养老问题的初步思路。关键词:家庭养老;海南农村;“孝”文化;农村经济IVAbstractFamily pension , is a model that the elderly living at home,family members with blood relationship with the elderly provide for them. As of 2011 , p
3、opulation of the domicile elderly aged over 60 is 1,159,600 , accounting for 12.77% of the total household population , of which more than 50% are in rural areas,accounting for morethan600,000ofthepopulation.Familypensionhasbeenthemainmodelofpensioninruralareas,inadditiontonationalpolicy,f