2、运河到洛阳,至元朝更扩展至北京,成为全球最长的古代运河,历来对中国南北物流发挥巨大作用。 “长安-天山廊道”路网(原为“丝绸之路:起始段和天山廊道的路网”)文化遗产申请项目:丝绸之路横跨欧亚大陆。全长5000公里,把古代全长8000多公里的丝绸之路给断开了,截到中亚的七河地区,涉及到三个国家一共33个申遗点,其中中国是4个省共22个申遗点,包括各帝国都城、宫殿群、佛教石窟寺等。Once treaded by camel-driving merchants carrying silk, porcelain and spice, the 2
3、000-year-old Silk Road was an important corridor for trade and cultural exchanges between Asia and Europe.It fell into disuse in the age of sailing in the 16th century.China, Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan formally launched the project to apply for adding the initial section o
4、f the Silk Road and the routes network of the Tian-shan Corridor onto the World Heritage list.The section is about 5000 kilometres long. It consists of 33 historical sites along the route, including 22 in China, 8 in Kazakhstan and three in Kyrgyzstan. They range from pal
5、aces and pagodas in cities to ruins in remote, inaccessible deserts. 西出长安,甘肃天水境内的麦积山石窟是丝绸之路首站,也是佛教沿丝路东传进入中国的重要路标。