1、Oxidize the ditch craft in dirty water handleof application and development CaiZhi一jun (Foshan City Shunde District Environmental EngineeringBranch Foshan Guangdong 528000) 【Abstract】 Setanaerobic, naoxic section Carrous oxidation ditch with biologicla nitrogen and phos
2、phoru sremoval capabilitie, is curren dythe mainstream of city life process of sewage treatment, This article descirbes the structure of Carrousel oxidation ditch, porcess and design problems during the oper-ation and the corresponding solutions. 【Keywords】Carrousel;Oxid
3、ationditch;Phosphorusnadnitrogenremoval;Structure;Mechanism1. Foreword Oxidize the ditch( oxidation ditch) again a continuous circulation spirit pond( Continuous loop reactor), is a live and dirty mire method a kind of to transform.Oxidizing the dirty water in ditch
4、 handles the craft be researched to manufacture by the hygiene engineering graduateschool of Holland in the 50'sof20centuriessuccess.Since in 1954 at Dutch throw in the usage for the velY first nme.secause its a water fluid matter good, circulate the stability and manag
5、e convenience etc. technique characteristics, already at domestic and international and extensive application in live the dirty water to is dirty to manage aquecustv with the industy[1]. Current application than oxidize extensively the ditch type include:The ( Pasv
6、eer) oxidizes the ditch, the (Carrousel) oxidizes the ditch, ( Orbal) oxidizes the ditch, the type of T oxidizes the ditch( three ditch types oxidize the ditch), the type of DE oxidizes the ditch to turn to oxidize the ditch with the Integral whore.these oxidize the ditc
7、h because of the difference of esse in construction with circulating, therefore each characteristics[2].This text will introduce construction, mechanism, existent problem and its latest developments that Carrousel oxidize ditches primarily.2. The Carrousel oxidizes the c
8、onstruction of the ditch The Carrousel Oxidize the ditch to be researched to manufacture by Dutch