1、2014年11月CATTI英语二级笔译真题及答案(英译汉)发表时间:2014-11-14 点击量:6816Part 1:English-Chinese Translation 第一部分:英译汉Passage 1 第一篇【参考译文】WATERLOO, Belgium—The region around this Belgian cityis busily preparing to commemorate the 200th anniversary in 2015 of one of themajor battl
2、es in European military history. But weaving a path through thepreparations is proving almost as tricky as making one’s way across the battlefield was back then, when the Duke ofWellington, as commander of an international alliance of forces, crushedNapoleon.
3、 比利时滑铁卢——2015年,这座比利时小镇热闹非凡,人们正在紧锣密鼓地筹备滑铁卢战役200周年的纪念活动。滑铁卢战役是欧洲军事史上重大战役之一。在筹备现场迂回行进,其难度决不亚于在滑铁卢战场上奋勇前进。当时,联军统帅威灵顿公爵击败了拿破仑。A rambling though dilapidated farmsteadcalled Hougoumont, which was crucial to the battle’s outcome, is beingpainstakingly restored as an edu
4、cational center. Nearby, an underground visitorcenter is under construction, and roads and monuments throughout the rollingfarmland where once the sides fought are being refurbished. More than 6,000military buffs are expected to re-enact individual skirmishes.霍高
5、蒙特决定了滑铁卢战役的结局。如今,人们正煞费苦心地将这座广袤而破败的农庄复原成一座教育中心。农庄附近的地下游客中心正在施工建设;双方激战过的农田连绵起伏,那里所有的公路和纪念碑都在加紧翻新。6000多名军事爱好者希望重演滑铁卢独特的战争画面。While the battle ended two centuries ago,however, hard feelings have endured. Memories are long here, and not everyonehere shares Britain’sen
6、thusiasm for celebrating Napoleon’s defeat.尽管滑铁卢战役已经过去了两个世纪,人们还是耿耿于怀。这里给人们留下的记忆刻骨铭心,并非所有的人都愿意分享英国人庆祝拿破仑失败的热情。Every year, in districts of Wallonia, theFrench-speaking part of Belgium,there are fetes to honor Napoleon, according to Count Georges Jacobs de Hagen,a
7、prominent Belgian industrialist and chairman of a committee responsible forrestoring Hougoumont. “Napoleon, for these people, was very popular,” Mr.Jacobs, 73, said over coffee. “That is why, still today, there are some enemies of the project.” 瓦隆尼亚地区是比利时的法语区
8、。据比利时著名实业家和霍高蒙特复原委员会主席雅各布伯爵介绍,每年这里都要举行纪念拿破仑的盛大活动。雅各布先生今年73岁, 他一边喝着咖啡,一边说:“拿破仑深受这些人的爱戴,所以,现在还有人对霍高蒙特的复原工作充满敌意。”Belgium,of course, did not exist in 1815. Its Dutch-spea