《‘HIE of One’ 区块链与医疗信息保护》由会员上传分享,免费在线阅读,更多相关内容在学术论文-天天文库。
1、Powering the PhysicianPatient Relationship with HIE of One Blockchain Health ITAdrian Gropper, MDAugust 7, 2016●Address whether there is a place in health IT and/or healthcare related research forthe technology [1];Physicians steer treatment together wit
2、h patients and are responsible for the vastmajority of decisions, and therefore expenditures, in healthcare. Yet the technology thatmediates the physicianpatient relationship today is not directly purchased or controlledby either the physicians or the pa
3、tients. Electronic health records and health informationexchange technology are sold as strategic assets to institutions, typically very largebusinesses, that currently have incentives to maximize institutional growth. We seek abetter balance of institut
4、ional needs with the needs of physicians and patients.It is widely accepted that reducing healthcare cost growth requires genuine practicereform. Few institutions, however, are planning to reduce their own size. By focusinghealth information technology a
5、nd interoperability on the physicianpatient relationshipwe bypass the inertia of institutions, fertilize the environment for valuebased payment,and optimize care options among hospitals, the community, and home, as appropriate.Blockchain is widely recogn
6、ized for its ability to empower innovators and individuals ona large scale in an environment that includes the necessity of institutions. Theappropriate application of blockchain technology to health IT can shift the balance to thephysicianpatient relati
7、onship. It’s hard to imagine a more effective lubricant forinnovation in our complex privatized healthcare system.●Describe the value of Blockchain to the healthcare system;Blockchain has proven value at reducing transaction costs in trading systems ande
8、xpanding the accessible market for innovators. It does this by shifting power to theedges of the network the consumers. This paper describes a standardsbased way forblockchain to shift decision making and purchasing power