2、数,首先初步选择了各工艺段设备,接着确定了总平面布置和联合站的工艺流程。完成了站内的水力、热力计算以及三相分离器、加热炉、稳定塔的选型和校核,并进行了罐区计算,选取了浮顶油罐;接下来绘制了联合站平面布置图,联合站工艺流程图;之后又进行了站内管线的选取,以及外输泵和脱水泵的选取。最后设计并画了阀组间安装图。关键词:联合站;油气分离;工艺流程;平面布置;泵房安装51西安石油大学本科毕业设计(论文)DesigningofFanCmulti-purposestationinFanxueoilregionAbstractFanxue C central oil and gas treating st
3、ation will be built in Fanxue oil region of Dingbian oil production plant, which is located partly in Wuqi County and Dingbian County, Sh-aanxi province. The physiognomy of Fanxue oil region is loess table land with altitude from 1400m to 1730m, which is consisted with loess ravine, loess ridge an
4、d loess hill. Fanxue B station is proposed to build in a flat area of 200x85m in the south side halfway up the Shijia mountainside, 1 km from Liangwan village. The transportation of this area is relatively convenient.Oilfromoutsideofthestationisheatedbythefurnace,thenafterthefirstthree-phasesepara