1、历史学论文-从束鹿县张氏家族契约文书看清代直隶农村的银钱流通[摘 要]清代民间银钱流通、银荒以及银钱比价,历来为学者所关注,见仁见智。束鹿县张氏家族契约文书,提供了清代直隶农村银钱流通方面的珍贵史料,可供学者参考。[关键词]清代;契约文书;银钱流通 The Rural Circulation of Money in Zhili Province during Qing DynastyAbstract:Scholars have been paying close attention to the rural circulation of money in th
2、e Qing Dynasty. Different people, different views. Now the deeds of Zhang clan in Shulu County afford valuable historical materials on the rural circulation of money in Zhili Province during Qing Dynasty.Key words:the Qing dynasty;deeds;circulation of money. 束鹿县张氏家族契约文书[1]中,有清代契约文书9