3、究结果表明,本文提出的创新型供应链风险管理方法能使电子行业公司在提高供应链风险管理能力的同时减少风险管理成本。关键词:供应链管理,风险管理,电子行业II万方数据RESEARCH FOR POSITIVE RISK RESPONSE MEASURES AFTER A BURST SUPPLY CHAIN ACCIDENTOFTHE ELECTRONICS INDUSTRYABSTRACTDue to the frequently happening of unexpected events, the vulnerability ofthe supply chaininelectr
4、onics industryincreases fast these days. Thushow to control as well as prompt and well‐runacontingency measure attheend of the supply chain before a serious accident risk is particularly important.This article based on theresponseof an example electronics company after an emergencyevent, an
5、d proposeda deal with risk management of the supply chain in the electronics industry when emergencies approached. By describing and in‐depth analyzingtheresponse processes and emergencies organizational structure and tools can be taken, to extend the current supply chain risk management (SC
6、RM) awareness. The main method istoidentify, analyzeand managethe internal and external sources of riskin related companies and their suppliers and subcontractors by improving supply chain risk management organization, processestools, and plans.The purpose is to enhance cooperation with supp
7、liers to carry out effective risk management, but also to avoid the impact of other sources of risk. This method is based on III万方数据risk management theory, byclassifyingtherisks in the supply chain, to buildand analyze organizational structureofthe