2、tenameEe开音节:theseheshewepiece闭音节:sixbigitishisIi开音节:nicebikeMikeninefinetime闭音节:notdogfromTomclockcockOo公鸡开音节:nosethoseroseoverhomecoke闭音节:buscutdrumbutumbrellaUu鼓开音节:useexcusecubetube立方形地铁(管子)he I she we it you they JackandTom adog二. 选择填空。1. [Do/Does]______hewatchTVatnight? Yeshedoes
5、youspeakJapanese?三. 考考你的眼力,看看谁才是真正的小侦探!1.Do he jump rope everyday? 2.Does TinaandLinda like bananas? 3.Does she watches TV at night? 4.Does you go to school on Monday? 5.Do they speak Chinese? No, they doesnot. 6.Does Lily plays football? Yes, she does.7.Does they work in the firestatio
6、n? 8.Do you works in the departmentstore? 9.Does she swim in the pool? Yes, she doesnot. 四. 朗读下面的韵文。Ido,youdo,wedo,theydo,JackandTomdo. Hedoes,shedoes,itdoes,lilydoes.