1、分类号 密级中国地质大学(北京)硕士学位论文河套盆地地下水数值模拟及盐碱化水位控制研究学号:2005120047研究生:龚亚兵专业:地下水科学与工程研究方向:地下水资源评价与开发利用指 导 教 师 : 邵景力2015 年 5 月 A Dissertation Submitted toChina University of Geosciences for Master DegreeStudy on Numerical model of Groundwater FlowinHetao basinand Salinization Wat
2、er table ControlMaster Candidate: Gong YabingMajor: Groundwater Science and EngineeringStudy Orientation:Groundwater Resource Evaluationand Sustainable UtilizationDissertation Supervisor: Prof. Shao JingliChina University of Geosciences (Beijing) 摘要河套平原主要包括了两大区域,即呼包盆地和后
6、发利用规划。利用数值模型进行预测分析,规划方案实施后地下水位埋深显著降低,由调控前 2.33m 降低为 4.01m。后套平原总补给量减少 10.69´108m3,蒸发排泄量所占比例由 59.9%降为 26.6%,减少了蒸发损失,水位的下降缓解了盐渍化问题。关键词:河套盆地,数值模型,土壤盐渍化,限制水位1 Study on Numerical model of Groundwater Flow inHetao plain and Salinization Water table ControlAbstractHetao plain i
7、ncludes two major areas: Houtao basin and Hubao basin. Hubaobasin includes the important cities of Inner Mongolia, Hohhot and baotou, Houtaoplain is the base of grain, industry and dairy of the country and the autonomous region.The rapid development of economic cause the
8、 increasingly serious shortage of waterin the region.At the same time, unreasonable use of groundwater