5、earemanydifferentkindsofplants,notonlymanyhashighmedicinalvalue,buttrulyshowsthesurvivalstateoftheancientpeople,vividlyconveytheenclosedwithinthewallsoftheemotionalworld.Described in the book of songs has a wide variety of plants, these plants have a rich meaningand describes these plants i
6、ncluding the artistic effect. Because the plants depict the richness of the book of songs and a strong artistic effect, especially the book of poetry in our lives have a very important impact in people's lives. Therefore, the plants depicted in poetry to be a lot of people used to express c
7、ertain emotions, resulting in a classic plant images in the book of songs. And images of these plants also had an important influence on literature of later ages.Keywords:BookofSongs,plants,implicationIV目录诚信声明……………………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ摘要…………………………