1、欢迎参加广州外国语学校小升初面谈请在每题右下角提示的时间内完成答题,时间到自动跳转下一题用鼠标点击正确答案,作答完毕之后点可击空白处进入下一题答题时间10分钟第一部分:英文数学题1.Jack is the wealthiest person in the town! He has $280 more than Jill. The money Jill has is only60%ofthe money Jack has. Jack has$______?A) 280B)420C) 700D) 112040秒2.Apenandapenciltogetherco
2、st$1.30.Ifthepencosts$1morethanthepencil,howmuchdoesthepencilcostindollars?A) $0.1B)$0.15C) $0.330秒3. Square A‘s perimeter is 9 times as large as that of Square B. If the length of a side of SquareB is 1, what is the area of SquareA?A)9B)81C) 144D) 129630秒4.In a book fair, Elena
3、buys 4 science books for every 9 math books she buys. If she buys 36 science books, she buys _?_ books total.A) 16B)52C)81D)11730秒5.Ifamaphasascaleof1cmto20km,thenonthismaphowfarapartaretwotownsthatareactually138kmapart?A) 6.9kmB)6.9cmC)6.6cm30秒6.The number N whenrounded(四舍五入)tot
4、he nearest hundredth is 20. 16. When rounded tothenearestthousandth, N is atmost______A) 20.159B) 20.160C) 20.164D) 20.16530秒7.Twointegersbetween10and99havethesamedigitsbutindifferentorder.Whatisthegreatestpossiblevalueofthedifferenceoftheseintegers?A) 63B)72C)7340秒8.On a number li
5、ne, the King Tortoisestandsat17 and the Queen Hare stands at 1. They are both movingto the right. The tortoise 's speed is 3 m/s and the hares speed is 7 m/s. They meetat____A) 29B)28C) 19D) 1840秒9.Which of the following numbers is notdivisibleby4, 9, and 11?A) 1584B)6336C) 705
6、6D) 990040秒10. The age of Mikes grandfather, is a two-digit number(两位数). Switching the ones digit and tens digit of N, weget M, which is the age of Mike's father.IfN - M is five times Mikes age. How old is Mike?A)3B)6C)9D)1860秒第二部分:口奥30秒1、2、一种盐水,盐与水的比是1:5,如果再向其中加入含盐20%的盐水若干,那么含盐率