1、Food Trends2016U.S. Reportfoodtrendsreport@google.comIntroWith every query typed into a search bar, we are given a glimpseinto user considerations or intentions. By compiling top searches,we are able to render a strong representation of the United States’population and gain insight into this popula
2、tion’s behavior.In our Google Food Trends Report, we are excited to bring forth thepower of data into the hands of the marketers, productdevelopers, restaurateurs, chefs, and foodies. The goal of this reportis to share useful data for planning purposes accompanied bycurated styles of what we believe
3、 can make for impactful trends.We are proud to share this iteration and look forwardto hearing back from you.Jon Lorenzini
4、 Senior Analytics Lead, Food & BeverageLisa Lovallo
5、 Global Insights Manager, Food & BeverageOlivier Zimmer
6、 Trends Data ScientistYarden Horwitz
7、 Trends Brand StrategistMeth
8、odologyTo compile a list of accurate trends within the food industry,we pulled top volume queries related to the food categoryand looked at their monthly volume from January 2014 toFebruary 2016. We first removed any seasonal effect, andthen measured the year-over-year growth, velocity, andaccelerat
9、ion for each search query. Based on these metrics,we were able to classify the queries into similar trendpatterns. We then curated the most significant trends toillustrate interesting shifts in behavior.2004200620082010Query De-seasonalized2012
10、 2014 Query 2016TrendCharacteristicsPart Onetop risersand declinersPart Twoa spotlight ontop trendingthemesPart Threean extensive list ofthe top volumefood searchesTrend CategoriesTo identify top trends, wecategorized past data into sixdifferent clusters based onRisersRisingDe
11、clinersFallingsimilar behaviors. This sectiondistinguishes between the trendsto watch and the trends to forget.SustainedRisersSustainedDeclinersSeasonalSeasonalStarsStarsRisersRisersRisingSustained