4、。回答4个左右的浅层问题。“Where are the persons? What are they doing? How are they talking? Can they speak?” 2、大声朗读,回答深层问题。大声朗读,可以帮助学生很快形成语感,更深刻地理解文章内涵。这是第二遍阅读这篇文章,可以问学生一些深层次的问题。“What is sign language? What is deaf person like? Can deaf people speak? Can all deaf people learn to speak?” 3
5、、找出重点词汇,理解并运用。由输入到输出关键在于基础知识的扎实积累。对于关键词的重点掌握及运用是知识输出的资本。这篇文章中需要重点掌握的词有: pay attention to 注意…, notice/point to指向…,tell sb. sth. with one’s hand/shake hands握手,让学生试着用这些短语造句,或编一个故事,在运用中掌握这些新词。 用心爱心专心4、概括文章,复述大意。抓住文章的中心意思,形成完整印象。运用自己的语言概括大意,是思考后成品输出,是学习后的成果展示。先给文章分段,并找出关键句或用自己的语言概括
6、主要意思。这篇文章可分为三段。 Passage 1: show a scene Passage 2: sign language is a kind of languages which is often used by deaf people. Passage 3-4: deaf people can learn to speak if they aren’t born deaf .三、深挖主题,拓宽思路。 1、仔细研究,找出文旨。文章是作者传播信息或信念的载体,要体会到作者的深层含义,重在看门道,不是看热闹。作者想通过《hand languag