1、Unit1Paraphrase1.Oursisaneraofconspicuoustechnologicalupheaval.Butthepurportedgainsofnewtechnology----risingincomes,greaterproductivity----seemtoeludeus.(P6)1. It is obvious that technology in modern age has brought about great changes. Nevertheless, we have not yet benefited from the supposed gains
2、 of new technology—rising income and greater productivity. 2.Genuinethoughtisdiscouraged.Thesamethought-deadeningprocessafflictsAmericanmanagers.(P7)2. Creative thought is not appreciated. American managers have been troubled by the fact that independent and active thinking gives way to dumb numbers
6、masqueradesasthehappyending,inwhichprogressculminatesinautopiaoftranscendencethatundoesthefallenstateofnature,societyandourselves.(P7)1 …if the great myth of America is the story of progress, then Disney World serves as the happy ending in which progress reaches the ideal state of utopia that goes b
7、eyond limits of our physical world and changes the decadent state of nature, society and ourselves. 2.”…itdoessobyinvitingustoregresstoastateofhappinessbeforethefallfromchildhood,withsimplifiedvisions