1、第二章: 懦夫: yellow-belly 凶悍的女人: dragon lady 打草惊蛇:to beat about the bush 亡羊补牢:To lock the stable door after the horse has beenstolen 骨鲠在喉:To have a bone in one’s throat 同舟共济:To be in the same boat 怒发冲冠:To make one’s hair stand on end 翻天覆地:To move heaven and earth 蜀犬吠日:To bark at the m
2、oon 洗手不干:To wash one’s hands of 食言:To eat one’s words 拖后腿:To pull somebody’s leg 缘木求鱼:To seek a hare in a hen’s nest 挂羊头卖狗肉:Cry up wine and sell vinegar 一箭双雕:at a stone’s throw 守口如瓶:Dumb as an oyster 满腹文章:Have a mind crammed with knowledge 胆小如鼠:As timid as a hare 一丘之貉:Birds of a fea
3、ther 瓮中之鳖:Like a rat in a hole 翻译工作坊: 中国特色 Chinese characteristics 乡镇企业 township/ rural enterprise 小康社会 a well-off society 国库券 treasury bonds 炒鱿鱼 to lay off/fire/sack sb 人才市场 job market 千年虫 Y2K/millennium bug 一国两制 One country, two systems 下海 to go into business
4、 第三产业 the tertiary industry 回扣 kickbacks 跳槽 job-hopping 小金库 private coffer 小资 petty bourgeois 高铁 high speed trains 盗版 piracy 商品房 commercial housing 形象工程 vanity project 知识经济 knowledge-based economy 按揭 home loan 激情犯罪 a c
5、rime of passion 经济软着陆 economic soft landing 白色污染 plastic pollution 金融危机 financial crisis 打假 to crack down on fake goods 唐装 tang suit 性骚扰 sexual harassment 手机短信 SMS message/text message 换汤不换药 old wine in new bottles 守株待兔 to wait for gains wit
6、hout pains 她有沉鱼落雁之容,闭月羞花之貌。 She has fantastic looks which would put the flowers to shame. 北京之行不会使你失望。 A tour of Beijing will be a most rewarding experience. 调整价格不应影响履行合同。 Price adjustment should by no means affect the implementation of the contract. 从当前的情况看,要彻底打击假冒伪劣商品,光靠政府显然是不够的。 Giv
7、en the present situation, it is apparent that the government alone is not enough in cracking down on fake and shoddy goods.今天,随着生活节奏的不断加快,我们的脑力、体力都经受着前所未有的透支。 Todaywith an increasingly quicker pace of life, we are being mentally and physically more overexerted/exhausted than ev