1、公司治理结构与会计信息披露:一个理论分析框架摘要:公司治理结构和会计信息披露制度的形成源于公司所有权和控制权相分离而产生的信息不货对称和代理冲突。本文为公啧司治理结构与会计信息披露垤的内在逻辑关系构建了一个嫘理论分析框架,这不仅对于铴实证研究提供待检验的命题和理论支持,而且对于优化荼公司治理结构和会计信息披昼露实践也具有重要的现实意猸义。关键词:公司治理结ネ构;会计信息披露;契约理哭论;分析框架A Theфory Analysis萌 Framework of Relations 辄between Corp蝴orate Govern莪ance Structu瞪re and Ac
2、cou芄nting Information Disclo赡sureAbstrac缝t:Corporate governance s氟tructure and狴 accounting 骷information 早disclosure o怵riginate fro罔m the agency轧 problem and暮 information阙 problem cau鐾sing by the 羿separation o睾f corporate 蚀ownership an媵d corporate 鸷control. Thi萝s paper cons杞tructs a the镟ory
3、analysis⒄ framework f晗or the relatろions between corporate g阀20/20overnance st驶ructure and 衡accounting i渎nformation d夸isclosure. T酢his not only券 contributes to provide 纯the testing 姐theme for em胆pirical rese咂arch, but al乖so has pract亲ical signifiゃcance for improving the efficiency o烘f corp