2、种组织创新,随着现代经济的发展,团队建设在企业管理中将发挥越来越大的作用。本文以富德生命人寿保险股份有限公司团队建设研究为例,论述了团队建设及其理论基础,并分析了企业进行团队建设的意义,提出了企业进行团队建设应注意的问题,在此基础上,探讨了企业进行团队建设的基本思路。 关键词:富德生命人寿保险有限公司团队建设问题对策Abstract In recent years, team construction problem is becoming more and more attention by organization. Team has become a common w
3、ay of working in today's world, in order to meet the requirements of future development, many enterprises is committed to create a good team, condense all strength, promote enterprise from one victory to a greater victory.Team building is a kind of organization innovation, with the developm
4、ent of modern economy, the construction team will play a growing role in business management. FundeSinoLifeInsuranceCo.,Ltd.Problems on Team Construction Enterprises.This paper discusses the theory of team building and its foundation, and analyzes on the significance of team building, the p
5、roblems that should pay attention to team construction enterprise are proposed, based on this, discusses the basic ideas of enterprises to carry out team buiding.Key Words : FundeSinoLifeInsuranceCo.,Ltd.;Team Building ; Problem;Suggestion目录摘要IAbstractII第一章引言11.1研究的背景11.2研究的目的11.3研究的方法2第二章有