3、方向。 关键词:公司战略管理;问题;对策 AbstractThe Plans and strategies that an enterprise made for seeking and maintaining long-term competitive edge are the enterprise development strategy. A business enterprise must have a clear development strategy if he wants to adapt to environmental changes, to accurately
4、 and effectively seize the opportunity with it and make constant development and progress in the intense market competition. In 2010, the world economy recovered more robustly in support of the Stimulus Package and Quantitative Easing Policy. Since 2011, the world economy continued to improve i
5、n short term, but faced complex factors in many ways. All these brought fresh uncertainty to world economic growth. In addition, the stimulus package of countries has basically come to an end, the world economy, trade and industrial production have difficulties to maintain rebound growth 2010 l
6、evel and slow down obviously. Facing the economic globalization, China, as the world's largest Emerging Economies, inevitably will be put under bad influence of the appreciation of Chinese Yuan, the rapid rising of raw material price, the shortage of skilled workers, the slowdown of motor indus
7、try, the stinging competition among enterprises, the decreasing of profit and the severe external environment. It has become an urgent research subject for the company to survive in the Emerging Economies, to develop in fierce com