5、esituation,itanalyzessomethingofthemainfactorsthataffectthedemandforinsurance.Basedonthedifferentstagesofinsuranceneeds,the paper takes the empirical analysis on the influencing factors of insurance needs. The empirical analysis results show that income, interest rates, inflation and other f
6、actorshave a significant impact on the demand for insurance needs. Then, using data from 2000 to 2011 and the multiple regression models, we can make the prediction of premium income. Finally, according to the results of the analysis of the Chinese insurance market demand conditions, the pap
7、er makes a few suggestions.Keywords:Insurancedemand;inflationrate;interestratelevel山东财经大学学士学位论文目录山东财经大学学士学位论文一、引言1二、我国保险业现状分析1(一)我国保险业发展现状2(二)我国保险业目前存在的问题21.供给主体数量不足。22.新险种开发不足。23.保险中介机构不足。24.保险体制改革滞后。25.市场规模仍然狭小。36.保险经营粗放,保险创新不足。37.内控之后,管理薄弱。3三、基本