4、时要开拓多渠道盈利方式,加强售后服务建设和客户关怀措施,注重维护品牌形象和综合人才培养发展,对小米公司从内部组织到外部销售组合策略上都进行有效的整合,最终实现小米手机的长远稳定发展。关键词:小米手机;网络营销;饥饿营销24The network marketing application research on XiaoMimobilephoneLiangHaitongAbstractWhen the CEO of XiaoMi Lei Jun accepted the interview of The Ve
5、nture Bond, for the first time, he leaked to the media that to the end of November, the sales of XiaoMi mobile phone has a breakthrough of 10 billion, It’s undeniable that the network marketing strategy plays an important role in it.Articlesontheactualsitua