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1、《猴爪》(节选)  你可以许三个愿,你可以要世界上存在的三样东西,你的愿望将变为现实。你会说,“这在现实世界是不可能发生的。”那么,好好想想吧。你能要什么?  当你许愿的时候,这仅仅是个开始。当你改变了一样东西,接着你会改变世界上的每一样东西。一个变化引起另一个变化。谁又能知道这些变化又将在哪里结束?  在这个故事中,怀特一家可以许三个愿,但他们犯了一个小小的错误。他们的第一个愿望变成了现实。接着,顷刻间,他们的生活陷入了一场可怕的恶梦……  雅各布斯(1863―1943)是一位短篇小说作家。《猴爪》是他最有名的小

2、说之一。以下是这篇小说的第五章。  Chapter 5  Slowly, Old Mrs White went back into the house.Her husband looked up and saw something strange in her face.  “What’s the matter?”he asked.  “Nothing,”his wife answered,and she sat down to finish her breakfast.She began to think abo

3、ut Tom Morris again and suddenly she said to her husband,“Your friend drank a lot of whisky last night! A monkey’s paw! What a story!”  Mr White did not answer her because just then the post man arrived. He brought two letters for them―but there was no money i

4、n them. After breakfast the two old people forgot about the money and the monkey’s paw.  Later in the day, at about one o’clock, Mr and Mrs White sat down to eat and then they began to talk about money again.They did not have very much money, so they often nee

5、ded to talk about it.  “That thirty thousand pounds,”Mrs White said,“we need it!”  “But it didn’t come this morning,”her husband answered.“Let’s forget it!”  Then he said,“But that thing moved. The monkey’s paw moved in my hand! Tom’s story was true!”  “You dr

6、ank a lot of whisky last night.Perhaps the paw didn’t move,”Mrs White answered.  “It moved!”Mr White cried angrily.  At first his wife did not answer,but then she said,“Well, Herbert laughed about it...”  Suddenly she stopped talking. She stood up and went ove

7、r to the window.  “What’s the matter?” her husband asked .  “There’s a man in front of our house,”Mrs White answered.“He’s a stranger ― very tall ― and well-dressed. He’s looking at our house...Oh,no...it’s OK...He’s going away...”  “Come and sit down! Finish 

8、eating!”Mr White said.  The old woman did not listen to her husband.“He isn’t going away,”she went on.“He’s coming back. I don’t know him―he’s a stranger. Yes, he’s very well-dress



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