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4、州;区域经济IVAbstractThough the Chinese banks have just begun to handle intermediate business, they are required to do more and more because of the diversification of banks' credit. Moreover, with China's entry into WTO, more intensive competitions between the local banks and foreign banks is
5、soon coming, thus they should try their best as soon as possible to focus on adjusting their strategies for doing intermediate business through getting a good understanding of it, improving the organizational structures, intensifying new products development, strengthening service program
6、s, building more effective personnel training mechanisms, increasing the application of science and technology, adjusting charge rates, normalizing chaotic competition, and avoiding market risks.Though the Chinese banks have just begun to handle intermediate business, they are required to
7、 do more and more because of the diversification of banks' credit. Moreover, with China's entry into WTO, more intensive competitions between the local banks and foreign banks is soon coming, thus they should try their best as soon as possible to focus on adjusting