1、初中历史探究性学习研究 [摘 要]“研究(探究)性学习”作为一种新的学习方式不仅应在研究(探究)型课程中采用,而且应引入各类课程的教学中。本文主要阐述初中历史探究性学习的研究依据、内容选择、实施与评价等。 [关键词]初中历史,探究性学习 The Explorative Study of History in Junior Middle School Abstract:As anew study way,the probing study not only should be used in research-style curriculum
2、,but also in all kinds of the curriculum.This paper mainly examines the Probing Study ‘s basis,content choice,implement and evaluation etc.in junior middle school history teaching. Key Words:history teaching in junior middle school,the probing study 一、问题的提出 读史使人明智,即历史知识和历史经验