5、了分析和总体设计,并运用基于JavaEE的SSH框架整合编程技术对各个功能模块进行了详细设计和编码,最终实现进货管理、销售管理、库存管理、日常管理以及系统管理等功能。 关键词:JavaEE;SSH;销售管理;库存管理SupermarketInventoryManagementSystemBasedonJavaEEABSTRACTWith the development of society and science technology, the supermarket inventory approach management changes a lot. Previo
6、us labor statistic and accounting management, etc. can not meet the demands of a modern development of economy.The tradtional approach management exists many defects, such as low efficiency,poor security,etc. However after a period of time, itwill engender a large number of documents and
7、 data,Which brings a lot of difficulties for operations of maintaining the searching andupdating . Therefore,it is essential to design a product inventory information management system on use of computer technology. In this paper,software engineering methods is used to