5、道,与曹爽明争暗斗十余年最终在高平陵政变中落下帷幕。Abstract: Simayi play late in the romance of The Three Kingdoms, was a mysterious figure, the three countries in the most busy in the first half, the scenery on the stage, was10the earliest picked up, the role of his excellent less glorious, but, in this period
6、 of history, he is a patient, thetactics, witty, cruel, and win the victory and is the mostamazing big winners. Simayi associated with cao wei regime, as minister of the same entrust an orphan to he always adhere to its survival, more than 10 years of competition withMr Eventually ended
7、 in GaoPingling coup.关键词:三国演义;司马懿;形象;不得已反抗;Key words: the romance of The Three Kingdoms; Simayi. Image; To resist; 引言在《三国演义》(后简称“演义)中,作者罗贯中成功的塑造了诸多形形色色的典型人物,如奸诈诡谲的曹操,忠厚仁义的刘备,义薄云天的关羽,有经天纬地之才的诸葛亮,还有人格魅力几乎接近完美的赵云。这些人物形象都不同程度的诠释了动荡三国的风云涌动,丰富了演义艺术形象塑造。在叱咤风云三国潮流中有一个历代被争议的人物,他的出现为三国归晋