2、率高、设计灵活、生成的软件界面友好美观等特点。本系统中通过JDBC驱动和数据库进行无缝连接,后端的数据库SQLServer2008具有较高的完整性、一致性和安全性。关键词:图书馆管理SQLServer2008JSPServletAbstractOn the inheritance and development of human culture in the book goes to the role, as Gorky said, books are a ladder of human progress, with the explosion of knowledge, incr
3、easing readers, libraries appeared satisfied the people's desire for knowledge on how efficient management book is a very interesting subject. By undertaking studies on operation and management mechanism of library management system, developed this library management system. Implementing libra
4、ry management system commonly used in basic and related statistics. This system contains 9 modules: Home show management, library management, system settings, reader, book borrowing and returning system query, change password, reader modules, exit the system. I was responsible for library man
5、agement, user management, user module. This system using JSP for Web interface design, using the MVC design pattern, it uses today's software has been designed with the latest technology, have high development efficiency, design flexibility, build user friendly appearance and other characteris
6、tics of the software. This seamless connectivity through a database and JDBC driver in your system, the back-end database SQL Server2008 have high integrity, consistency, and security. Key words: library managementSQL Server2008JSPServlet目录第1章绪论11.1课题现状分析11.1.1图书管理的现状11.1.2现有图书馆管理系统现状21.2选题的目