1、智能消防应急照明系统在民用建筑电气设计中应用 摘要本文在分析了传统消防应急照明系统的组成以及在应用上存在的问题的基础上,阐述了智能消防应急照明系统的组成、特点,以及在民用建筑电气设计中的应用。Abstract: On the base of analyzing the consist parts and characters of the Normal emergency lighting,
2、the author indicates the questions during the use of the Normal emergency lighting.And the author introduces construction and futures of thefire-control emergency
3、lighting, the use in civil building.关键词传统消防应急照明系统智能消防应急照明系统7蓄电池Key words: Normal fire-control emergency lighting; Intellectualizefire-control emergency lighting;Rechargeable battery 中图分类号:TU998.1文献标