3、盈飞扬。又是一个早晨,敞开门扉,阳光温柔地透进来,芬芳的泥土香揉和着丝丝花香到处流淌,沁人心脾,而依人的鸟儿又在窗外那棵梧桐树上快活展翅,尽情高歌,纵情飞跃。已是午后时分,阳光懒洋洋地爬上了躺椅,悠悠的清风细柔地轻吻着我,品一杯醇咖啡,捧一本线装书,听老歌流转,看天上云卷云舒,一任夏日小虫倾情呢喃,惬意无限。夜深人静,平和的呼吸演绎着大自然美妙的节奏,窗外飘来的月色,装饰了我的家、银色的梦。绿山、静海、阳光、空气、风.....那是我的天空我的家,我爱美丽的鲸山别墅!Home, Sweet HomeSituated at the east foot of the Nanshan Moun
4、tain, my home is concealed in the pleasant greenery. Walking on the meadow path bathing in the gentle breeze from the Shenzhen Bay, you feel this is a heaven on earth.Morning scenario: Open the door to receive a spray of the gentle sunshine. The scent of the soil mixed with the aroma of flowers
5、pour in the house. Outside of the window are birds singing melodious songs among the flourishing phoenix trees.Afternoon scenario: This is a moment with leisurely sunshine on the reclining chair and gentle breezes caressing the face, made so sentimental just because of a cup of cappuccino, a thr
6、ead-bound book, a nostalgic goldie, the pastel clouds and the twittering summer insects. Evening scenario: The peaceful breathes rhyming the pulse of the Mother Nature; the silver moonlight makes my home dreamlike.Blue mountains, peaceful seas, sunshine, fresh air, breezes…this is my home, the s