《圆柱齿轮减速器噪音浅析 microsoft word 文档》由会员上传分享,免费在线阅读,更多相关内容在学术论文-天天文库。
1、圆柱齿轮减速器噪音浅析摘要 减速器的主要噪声源是啮合齿轮,影响它的主要因素有:设计参数,制造精度与它的工作条件。由生产实践和实验数据组可知:减速器的噪声值随着中心距的增大,转速的升高和传动比的减小而增大,减速器的工作条件如载荷的变化,润滑剂的种类,传动环节的误差等等也都影响着它的噪声值,而减速器的制造精度(主要是齿轮及箱体的加工精度)则是决定噪声大小的关键因素。 关键词 噪声源 制造精度 减速器 Abstract The noise origin of reducing mechanism is meshing gear, there are some fact
2、ors effecting noise: design parameter, manufacturing accuracy and running conditions. The results from production practice and experimental data showed: the noise rating number increased with center distance, rotational speed increasing and drive ratio decreasing, the running conditions such
3、 as load fluctuation species of anti-friction material and driving error effect the noise rating number, but the manufacturing accuracy of reducing mechanism is the key to decide noise low. Key Words noise origin manufacturing accuracy reducing mechanism 前言:减速器的噪声是由于在它运转过程中机内齿轮啮合产