4、上LM386做音频小功放,输出到扬声器。客人来访时,按一下按钮,门铃就会奏出优美的电子音乐。Abstract:As the bell has a wonderful blend of electronic music, low price and low power consumption advantages of modern household more and more popular.With electronic music doorbell, where guests visit, the hearing will no longer be monotonous
5、tone, but the extraordinary pop melodies.Sound effects such as personalized electronic music.Here a single chip design with electronic music doorbell, just AT89C51 microcomputer system, together with a small LM386 audio amplifier to do the output to the speaker.Visitor, click the button, doo
6、rbell will play the beautiful electronic music.目录第一章设计原理及组成61.1设计原理6271.2电子音乐门铃的组成61.3功率放大电路7第二章系统主要硬件介绍82.1AT89C52芯片简介82.1.1功能特性描述92.1.2主要功能特性;102.1.3芯片封装与引脚功能102.1.4AT89C52内部框图:112.2LM386引脚图,特性介绍122.2.1概述:122.2.2特性:12第三章软件设计133.1音乐符设计133.2程序设计方法143.3程序框图153.4音乐门铃的80C52电路图173.5音乐门铃的发声原理17总结