2、采用感光传感器对机器人的运动位置进行控制,控制机器人的转向和机器人离工件的距离等。此钻孔机器人具有结构简单,工作稳定,便于移动等优点。关键词:工业机器人钻孔液压缸ABSTRACTSince the first robot of the world was born in the beg inning of the sixth decade of 20-th century, the robotic technique has been developed rapidly. There are two distinguishing features of the
3、trend in robotic te chnique development: one is in the continuous extension of robotic application a reas and the another is in the uninterrupted improvement of robotic performences .WiththerapiddevelopmentoftheCommunity,theapplieddomainoftheindustrialrobotbecomingmoreandmorewide.Itw