4、码管能够正确地显示时间。用开关做键盘输出,扬声器发生提示。同时系统能够实现:在抢答中,只有开始后抢答才有效,如果在开始抢答前抢答为无效;满时后系统计时自动复位及主控强制复位;按键锁定,在有效状态下,按键无效非法。关键词:单片机抢答器软件设计abstract along with the science and technology development and the popularization, various competition are more and more many, in which vies to answer first
5、the function is also obvious.At present very vies to answer first basically uses the small scale digital integrated circuit design, uses insufficiently ideally.Therefore designed a change high vies to answer first in the use and the area indexing has become the extremely urgen
6、t duty.Now the monolithic integrated circuit entered each domain, by its power loss small, the intellectualization is famous, if therefore designs using the monolithic integrated circuit vies to answer first, then enables above question to solve. In view of above situation, th
7、is article designs vies to answer first take at89S51 monolithic integrated circuit as the core Chinese red army soldier.We have used the digital display scope direct index, the automatic lock saves the demonstration result, and the automatic reset design concept, it can act ac
8、cording to differently vies to answer first the input signal,