4、支护的要求,为了顺应工程需要,土钉墙支护的技术日渐成熟起来。土钉墙支护结构是一种轻型支挡结构、随着基坑支护设计计算理论不断改进,施工工艺不断完善,土钉墙支护技术因其技术先进、经济可行、质量可靠、施工快捷简便等特点而在基坑工程中得到了广泛的应用。[关键词]基坑支护轻型支挡结构土钉墙AbstractTraditionalsupportingstructurehavemanydifferentforms.theyhavedifferent applicable scope. With the city's development, the high-rise building r
5、ow upon row height increasing, the foundation pit excavation depth is more and more big, theurban environment is becoming more and more complicated,thetraditional support has been unable to meet the foundationpit support requirements, in order to meet the engineeringneed, soil nail wall su
6、pporting technology is mature day after day. Soil nail wall supporting structure is a kind13of light supporting and retaining structure, with the foundation pit support design calculation theory and construction process, soil nail wall supporting technology because of its advanced technolo
7、gy, economic and feasible, the quality is reliable, the construction is simple and fast characteristics in foundation pit engineering are widely used.[Keywords]Soilnailsupportingstructure正文:1.前言1.1土钉墙的概念土钉墙是在土质或破碎软弱岩质路堑边坡中设置钢筋土钉,靠土钉拉力维持边坡稳定的挡土结构。土钉墙是从隧道新奥法基础上发