1、THE&THETORTOISEDUCKSTheTortoise,carries his house on his backNo matter how hardhetries,he cannot leave homeThey say thatJupiterpunished him sohewas such alazystay-at-homethat he would not go toJupiter'sBecauseweddingAfter many years…theTortoisefelt veryand discontentedHe wanted to see t
2、he world toosadButhewas with ahouseon hisbackAnd littleshort legsthat couldhardly drag him alongOne dayhemet a pair ofDucksWe can help youto see the worldReally?!!!Take hold of thisstickwith your teethwe will carry youfar up in theairBut keepquiet!oryou will besorry…Okay!TheTortoisewasv
3、erygladindeed!gladHeseized the stick firmlywith histeethWONDERFUL!Just thenaCrowflew byHewas very muchastonishedThis must surely betheKingofTortoises!Butasheopened his mouthto say thesefoolish words…Why certainly…Hefelldownto the groundwhere he was dashed topiecesFoolish curiosity&Vanit