1、CaliforniaHighwayCA-1GoldenGateBridgeLocation:CaliforniaisastatelocatedontheWestCoastoftheUnitedStates.Nicknamed”theGoldenState”,andisthelargeststateoftheU.S.Statecapital:Sacramento(萨克拉门托)About4000grandpeople.423,970 squarekilometres.HistoryThe name California once referred to a la
2、rge area of North America claimed by Spain .Beginning in the late 18th century, the area was colonized([‘kolənaɪz]殖民)by the Spanish Empire as part of New Spain. In 1821, Alta California(上加利福尼亚) became a part of Mexico following its successful war for independence. American victory
3、in the war led to the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo(瓜达卢佩伊达戈条约), in which Mexico ceded(割让)Alta California to the United States. Western areas of Alta California became the state of California, which was admitted as the 31st state on September 9, 1850.StateflaglanguageMostpeoplespeakEn