2、12、SomepeoplesaythatweliveinaTVculture.Doyouagree?Giveyourreasonsforyouranswer.Most of us would agree that watching TV is part of most people’s lives. We walk into a room, turn on the TV, and suddenly the outside world becomes less important. People use TV to tune out, or forget about the outside wo
3、rld. We feel safe and relaxed when we join the world of the TV shows. Now, TV has a huge influence on our attitudes, on what we like to eat, on what we like to wear, on what we like to talk about. We often find that popular TV shows are discussed at work, at school, in coffee shops, etc. All these
4、phenomena show that we are living in a TV culture now.And improved technology has contributed further to our TV culture. Satellite services, in particular, has expanded the TV programming in many parts of the world. There are now hundreds of TV channels people can watch, and the options continue to
5、expand: game shows, sports, news, talk shows, comedies, TV dramas, movies, etc... TV really brings us a lot of fun and enrich our daily lives. So there is no doubt that we live in a TV culture.七14、Doyouthinkprivatecarsshouldbeencouraged?八15、WhydoyouthinksomeWesterncountriesencouragepeopletoridebicyc