1、TheWildGoosePagoda导游:肖琪学号:110857Threeparts:the Big Wild Goose Pagoda,the Da Ci'en Temple,andthe North Square of Big Wild Goose Pagoda.Thereare7floors,it’shighis64.5mtotally.ItwasbuiltinTangdynasty,whichisforamonknamedXuanZang.asthestorygoesreputedly,ma
2、ybeit’sreallyinaway.Xuanzang started off from Chang'an (the ancient Xian), along the Silk Road and through deserts, finally arriving in India, the cradle of Buddhism.It’smorebeautifulatnight.Thegrandbodyofthepagodawithitssolemnappearance,simplestyleandhighst
5、 Ci'en Temple is the home of Big Wild Goose Pagoda.In 648, to commemorate the dead virtuous queen, royalty ordered the building of a temple named Ci'en' (Mercy and Kindness), for which the status and scale far exceeded all others.Today, with an area of 32,31
6、4 square meters (38,648.5 square yards), one seventh of the original area, it still retains its grandeur.Thankyou!