3、版本,如果不是5.3.0c,则需要升级到5.3.0c。6、 升级操作:输入firmwaredownload,回车,依据下面操作日志进行操作 swd77:admin> firmwaredownload Server Name or IP Address: (放微码文件的ftp地址) User Name: root (ftp用户名)File Name: /release.plist (微码文件名) Network Protocol(1-auto-select, 2-FTP, 3-SCP) [1]
4、: 2 (选择传输方式) Password: (此处输入FTP帐户密码后回车) Checking system settings for firmwaredownload... Protocol selected: FTPTrying address-->AF_INET IP:, flags : 2 System settings check passed. This command will upgrade the firmware on both CP blades. If you w
5、ant to upgrade firmware on a single CP only, please use -s option. You may run firmwaredownloadstatus to get the status of this command. This command will cause a warm/non-disruptive boot on the active CP, but will require that existing telnet, secure telnet o
6、r SSH sessions be restarted. Do you want to continue [Y]: y Firmware is being downloaded to standby CP. This step may take up to 30 minutes. Firmware has been downloaded successfully to Standby CP. Standby CP is going to reboot with new firmware. Standby CP
7、booted successfully with new firmware. Connection closed. 这时交换机将自动进行微码升级,无须人工干预,此过程大概需要20-30分钟。 7、 升级完后,用firmwareshow查看版本是否为5.3.0c。