9、: E U V 2.动作类: D H I M T 3.职业类: B G L Q 4.交通类: A F N O 5.地点类: C K P S 6.图书类: J R W 三、Readandwrite.(用适当的介词填空。)1.Thebookstoreisnext to thecinema. 2.Turnleft at thehospital. 3.Now,we’reinfront of therestaurant. 4.Iusuallycometoschool on foot. 5.Myfathergoestowork by sub
10、way. 6.HowcanIget to themuseum? 7.Imustpayattention to thetrafficlights. 8.I’mgoingtoseeafilm about science. 9.I’mgoingtowriteanemail to mycousin. 10.YaoMingisgood at basketball. 11.Theboyisafraid of thebigdog. 12.Mymotherisveryangry with me. 四、Readandwrite.(按要求写单词。)(一)写出下