2、riends.WhydoesJacksonsaythatMr.Zhaohasaskedtoomuch?Between friends there is inevitably a kind of equality of give-and-take.Butin different cultures, people view this differently.In Chinese culture, friendships develop slowly because they are built to last. We
3、 Chinese prefer the saying “A friend indeed is a friend in need.” And we never refuse the asking for help from a friend. We never forget the timely help by a friend when we are on the rocks.But In American culture, they view this in a different way. Once help
4、ed, they offer their help only once. That’s why Jackson said that Mr. Zhao was asking too much. In their view, friendships are based on common interests.Q:Whatarethetipsifyouwanttomakefriends?Whatisthemostimportant?TrustHonestyUnderstandingLoyaltyRespectSense
5、ofhumorEqualityCompanionshipCommunicationBethereforyouReadingⅠDifferent Lands, Different FriendshipsFrench FriendshipsGerman FriendshipsEnglish FriendshipsComprehension Questions1.WhyisitcomparativelyeasytomakefriendsintheUnitedStates?BecausefewAmericansstayp