2、本点击添加文本点击添加文本owlIn Greek and Roman mythologies, owls always stay by the goddess of witness. In English, owl is a bird standing for witness.There are English phrases about owls, such as“as wise as an owl”. If someone says that you are as wise as an owl,take it as a compliment. "Owlish" means cl
3、ever and shrewd.However, in Chinese, owl is thought as a symbol of omen because it always flies around graveyards at night, sending out sad voice. In the old legend,it is said that someone would die if the owl rests on his house .elephantTheelephantsstandsforauspiciousinChinesetraditionalcultur
4、e.Peopleregardtheelephant’slongnoseaseverlasting,whichthemeaningofasymbolofpeace.SotheelephantisverypopularwithChinesepeople.Butmostofpeopleinwesterncountryisverytabootheelephants,forexampleEngland.Andthecountryforbiddenpeopleuseelephantastheirbrand.blackcat12Theblackcat symbolofdeath andmisfor
5、tune inforeigncountries.TheWest believethatblackcatsare notauspicious animal,especiallyinthe Friday met theblackcat ismoreunlucky.Theblack catmeansgoodluckinChinesetraditionalculture.Theblackcat isamysterious animal, ofcourse, theblackcat canalsobeusedto wardoffevilspirits.ChineseZodiacAnimalsR