2、itle Report on situation of environment protection of energy and heavy chemical industry base in Yulin city Abstract Yulin city is a newly developed energy and heavy chemical industry base in China, and its environment protection has attracted more a
3、nd more attention. We did our research by interviewing and questionares,including the measures Yulin govornment has taken, the situation of enterprises’ dealing with “three wastes”, the environmental awareness of local people and peoples’attitude towards
4、 environmental change.We also learnt something on environment protection of yulin city via government,enterprises and the public,and found some problems about environment protection, also we came up with some possible countermeasures.Key words energy an
5、d heavy chemical industry base environment protection goveronment enterprise public 一.前言2004年4月4日,香港大公报在头版以“二十一世纪国家的重要能源继续地”为题,报道了陕北能源重化工基地的规划建设情况。陕北能源重化工基地位于陕西北部,主要包括榆林、延安两市,面积8万平方公里,人口538万,煤炭、石油、天然气和岩盐等矿产资源十分丰富,有“中国的科威特”之美誉。1998年国家计委批准了陕北能源重