1、关于世界杯球星里奥.梅西被认为是“球王”马拉多纳的指定接班人。在当今世界足坛,他的高频率控球技术精彩绝伦。在巴塞罗那俱乐部,梅西是毋庸置疑的球队偶像,但是在代表国家队征战时,梅西的表现却有愧于阿根廷球迷。如今梅西对的最艰巨的挑战,是在世界杯的舞台上发挥出在俱乐部时的强大实力,从而赢回本国球迷的尊重。要做到这点,他必须走出马拉多纳的阴影,做回自己,做回里奥.梅西!Lionel Messi is the heir apparent to the throne left vacant by Diego
2、 Maradona. His outstanding ball control at high speeds is just about unmatched in the world football. Messi is the undisputed idol of Barcelona. Hisgreat challenge will be to earn the respectof the Argentine fans with a formidable showing at the Worl
3、d Cup. A good performance with the national team is still a debt heowes to the fans. To repay that debt, he will have to forget about the shadow of Maradona. He needs to be Messi.2003年,当克里斯蒂亚诺.罗纳尔多(C罗)被曼联从里斯本竞技买走时,他还只是一个口碑不错的足坛神童。如今,C罗已经是除贝克汉姆以外,全球最知
4、名的足球巨星。在“红魔”豪取个人荣誉大满贯后,C罗在2009年夏天加盟皇马,8000万英镑的转会费使其成为足坛身价第一人。在球场上的C罗速度奇快且花样繁多,射门力道十足且路线飘忽,他还是国际足坛最令人胆寒的定位球专家。本届界赛,C罗唯有出色的发挥才不辜负当前的超高人气。C罗,是时候在世界舞台证明自己了!A muchvaunted prodigy when snapped up by Manchester United from Sporting Lisbon in 2003, Cristiano
5、 Ronaldo is now perhaps, apart from David Beckham, the bestknown soccer player in the planet. After winning all there was to win with the RedDevils, Ronaldo earned his dream move to Real Madrid in the summerof 2009 for a world record fee of£80m. Fast
6、 and tricky, Ronaldo possesses a thunderous dipping; swerving shot and is one of the most dangrous setpiece exponents in the game. It is time for Ronaldo to truly live up to his star billing on the world stage.曼联锋线尖刀韦恩.鲁尼是全英格兰最具实力的球员,也是全球最顶尖的足坛巨星之一。鲁
7、尼在17岁就出人头地,成为英格兰国脚,此后便一直是万众瞩目的焦点。鲁尼带球时身体优势明显,威力惊人,他传接球的能力、远射的功夫和甘于为球队整体服务的无私精神,在国际足坛举世无双,其对足球的狂热更是无可指摘。鲁尼是英伦足球腾飞的最大希望,只要他状态上佳,英格兰必定不可阻挡!England’s star turn, Wayne Rooney,is viewed as one of the best players in the world. The Manchester United striker
8、 has been firmly in the spotlightsince breaking into the England side at age 17. Powerful and strong on the ball, Rooney’s ability to pick a pass, shoot from distance and unselfishly work for team is unparalleled in the world football. His passion ca