5、习本。被动句:Myexercise-bookshavebeentakenaway.我的练习本被拿走了。主动句:Youmustturnoffthelightbeforeyougotobed.睡觉之前你们必须关灯。1.We clean the classroom every day.--Theclassroomiscleanedbyuseveryday. 2.I always borrow CDs from him. –CDsarealwaysborrowedfromhimbyme. 3.The t
6、eachers take cake of the children in the kindergarten. –-thechildrenaretokencareofbytheteachersinthekindergarden. 4.Thestudents don't learn chemistry in Junior. --ChemistryisnotlearnedbythestudentsinJunior. 5.People don't grow rice in the west of Jap
7、an --RiceisnotgrowninthewestofJapan. 6.We find English very useful. --Englishisfoundveryusefulbyus. 7.The policeman tells the chlidren not to play in the street. --Thechildrenaretoldnottoplayinthestreetbythepoliceman. 8.I often hear him sing songs up
8、stairs. --SongsaresungbyhimIoftenhearupstairs. 9.Do they plant trees in and around our city every year? --Aretreesplantedbytheminandaroundourcityeveryyear?10.Do many teenagers like the books written by Han Han?-- AreThebookswrittenbyHanHanlikedbymany