1、1. It was about 600 years ago______the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made. 2.It was not until she took off her dark glasses _______ I realized she was a famous film star.3. It is necessary that he ________(remember) these words.4.______ is reported that another man-ma
2、de satellite has been put into orbit .5.Anotherman-madesatelliteisreported__________(put)intoorbit.6._______isreported,anotherman-madesatellitehasbeenputintoorbit.7._____isreportedisthatanotherman-madesatellitehasbeenputintoorbit.8.It is suggested that the meeting________(put) off.9
3、.It is a pity thatsuchanimportantessay_______(have)soseriousamistake.10. It was ordered that we _______(arrive) there in two hours. 11.Itishightimethattoughmeasures_______(take)tosolvetheproblem.12.ThatwasthelasttimethatI_______(see)her.13.It is important that we ________( learn) En
4、glish well.14.Itistypical____himtotelllieswhenhedoessomethingwrong.15.It __________ 5 years since his father died.16.ItwasOctober1st_______Chinawasfounded.17. It was 3 days _______ he went to Beijing. 18.It __________(碰巧)that he encountered anoldfriendin the street.19. It took thous
5、ands of people many years ________(build)the Great Wall.20. It is no good _______(learn) English without speaking English. 21. It will be not long _______ he finishes his job. 22.It seemed as if he ______(be)mad.23. ____is a hard job for the police to keep order in an important foot
6、ball match.24. ____used to be thought that the earth was square.25. We had to be patient because it____some time ____we got the full results.26. It____four years since I joined the army. 27.It’s the third time thatyou _______(arrive)late this month.28.It is tomorrow _______they will
7、 have a meeting in the hall. 29.It is the ability to do the job _____ matters not where you come from.30.It is the prevention of disease rather than its successful treatment ____ has led to the rapid increase of the world’s population. 31. I’ve already forgotten ___________________(