3、识,就会以更积极的姿态寻找新思想与新策略来解决面临的问题,从而自觉地探索教育教学(此文来自斐斐课件园)过程,在学中教,在教中学,这是教师自我提高的最佳途径。 现在笔者以本学期我自己的公开课为例,阐述如何对具体的教学实践进行反思教学。 一、教学内容:英语《新目标》Unit3 Why do you like koalas?第2课时。 1、课时内容:包含Section A中的2a、2b、2c和Grammar Focus Topic Why do you like ……? structures Why do you like koalas?
4、 Task Talk about yourhisher favorite animals and people. culture Know something about the animals and the description words. vocabulary Koala, elephant, dolphin, lion, panda, penguin, cute, smart, interesting. grammar Why do you like pandas? Because they are verykind of
7、hant导入( chant :I like pandas. I like pandas. Why? They are quiet. They are quiet. I like koalas. I like koalas. Why? They are cute. They are cute. I like dolphins. I like dolphins. Why? They are smart. They are smart.) 设计目的:调动气氛,投入语境。 第二个环节:猜动物(根据图片上的动物及他们的叫声,采取男女生竞赛) 设计目